Quality Assurers

EDPoint Assess has specific areas for both IQAs and EQAs. An IQA (Internal Quality Assurer) creates an informed decision on whether an assessor has maintained the correct standards and procedures when assessing a candidate’s work. This creates a process where the work of a learner is thoroughly analysed, checked and observed, for a fair and correct assessment to take place.

By using EDPoint Assess as an engine for EPAs to be conducted, an IQA has access through their own unique login. This enables an IQA to login to their own version of the platform and carry out their day to day assessment practices. Within EDPoint Assess, an IQA can take random samples of assessment feedback. These samples can be anything from exams and observations to live assessments and assignments. When verifying an assessor, the IQA has their own red, amber, green (RAG) platform, which is specific to the awarding organisation. EDPoint Assess is incredibly easy to use – an IQA can simply change an assessor’s RAG rating based on their verification findings.

This leads on to an EQA’s unique access point. Both the IQA and EQA platforms work in the same way but instead of randomised assessor feedback being reviewed, the EQA can pull IQA feedback to complete the verification process. Just like the IQA, an EQA can change an IQA’s RAG rating based on their verification findings. EDPoint Assess provides the flexibility for both IQA and EQA findings to be viewed and tracked for effective monitoring.